IT APPEARS yet again that Weston is to be used as some sort of dumping ground. 'RAF camp prison' ran the headline. Already we have 11 per cent of the country's drug and alcohol rehabilitation houses in our town and now we learn a national newspaper is ca

IT APPEARS yet again that Weston is to be used as some sort of dumping ground. 'RAF camp prison' ran the headline. Already we have 11 per cent of the country's drug and alcohol rehabilitation houses in our town and now we learn a national newspaper is campaigning for RAF Locking to be turned into a prison camp to prevent 50,000 criminals being released early.Has no thought been given to the residents of Locking, especially those who bought many of the ex-MOD houses there and who are trying to bring up their families? Upon their release from the camp, where will these people go? With a good guess I would imagine many of them will make their way to North Somerset's housing department where, under present law, our council has a legal obligation to house many of them. Indeed, a sorry state of affairs which I trust our councillors will oppose most vigorously.PAUL SPENCER - Montpelier, Weston