PLEASE help. Shortly after November 5, a ginger and white cat wearing a blue collar was in my kitchen in the middle of the night causing an uproar with my cats.

PLEASE help. Shortly after November 5, a ginger and white cat wearing a blue collar was in my kitchen in the middle of the night causing an uproar with my cats. He was like a tiger, spitting, growling, and running at me if I dared to move an inch towards him. I have never been so frightened of any animal in my life. I flopped onto a chair, and was held hostage for at least half an hour. He finally left through the cat flap, growling every step of the way.With a sigh of relief, I returned to bed only to find when rising for breakfast the same cat, this time sitting on the window sill above the kitchen sink, making it impossible for me to fill the kettle. I decided to offer him some dry food. As I gingerly approached, bowl outstretched, he hissed and lunged causing my arm to shoot up into the air, with the biscuits raining down on me. Was the tight collar making him cross, had he been terrified by the many days of fireworks, had his owners acquired a dog that he was frightened of? All these thoughts raced through my mind. After several days, he was well and truly hell-bent on taking over the window sill as his, so I was convinced he must be lost and continued to feed him. He was starting to trust me. On December 6 he was with me in the morning wearing his blue collar. He returned at teatime, sporting a smart new one. In daylight it appeared to be yellow, but once dark, I realised it is in fact reflective. He obviously didn't think much of it, as he was once again very bad tempered, and attacking me. If anyone knows who this beautiful but scary cat belongs to, please ring me on 01934 621823. I am at my wits' end. The new collar has a bell, and a name barrel, but it is impossible to get near the cat to open it. MARINA COLES - Shrubbery Terrace, Weston