With reference to the two recent articles which your paper has run, regarding the new parking restrictions in Portishead High Street, your latest article entitled 'Traders In The Dark'. More importantly, are people aware North Somerset Council have made a

With reference to the two recent articles which your paper has run, regarding the new parking restrictions in Portishead High Street, your latest article entitled 'Traders In The Dark'.More importantly, are people aware North Somerset Council have made a mess of it again!For yellow lines to be legal, they have to be laid to minimum standards.These new lines are not to minimum standards, therefore they are illegal. Any motorist who has had a parking ticket since the new lines were laid and has also paid a fine should request a refund.Our Yellow Lines Are Not Legal. North Somerset Council didn't bother to install the relevant signage in time. We all know the mess they made to the Cabstand!I suppose we will be made to foot another bill, to pay to have these lines re-painted.I think it would be cheaper to remove North Somerset Council, especially those who think all these problems are amusing and just laugh behind our backs, surely some heads should roll when you consider the other issues which are occurring elsewhere in the area.Well done again North Somerset Council.John Hitchcock - Albert Road, Portishead