I AM dismayed to see you reported last week that a spokesman for Henry Boot disputed my assertion that the image you printed showing the relationship between

I AM dismayed to see you reported last week that a spokesman for Henry Boot disputed my assertion that the image you printed showing the relationship between the Tropicana and Lifestation frontages was approved by the project's architect, David Shore. Indeed, it was the head of PPS Group South West and Wales, Richard Evans, who pointed out on the first day of the public consultation exactly where the first draft of our image was wrong in scale and advised me to consult Mr Shore. This I did, and by the following morning we were able to produce a corrected image for Mr Shore to examine. He was very helpful, and not only accepted our new image was about as good as you could get (perhaps five centimetres out in the new raised height of the promenade), but permitted me to take whatever photographs I wished of illustrations on display. The corrected image is the one you kindly printed. We began circulating it on the final day of the consultation, and we gave a copy to Mr Shore in appreciation of his help.I believe he has done a commendable job of tackling an utterly absurd brief. The concept is fine; the siting is insane. I would be interested to see the quality of design Mr Shore might produce for the project on a sensible site. In fact, if we were not being faced with such an outrage on the beach I would love to see someone of Mr Shore's calibre designing the real pool North Somerset people want there!THE REVD FERNLEY R SYMONS - Chairman, Friends Of Our Tropicana (F.O.O.T.)