THANKS to the Mercury for keeping us informed about council decisions.

THANKS to the Mercury for keeping us informed about council decisions.

It would be disastrous for Weston if the council offices moved to Clevedon, for several reasons.

The loss of so many jobs would mean that more people were forced to seek employment in Bristol, further clogging up the motorway exits. There would be a 'knock-on' effect on restaurants and sandwich bars. Also less people would need to come into Weston to the Town Hall, affecting local retailers.

I think we have lost out to other parts of North Somerset too many times.

I have just expressed my concern to the Local Government Ombudsman. She said that the first step to protect Weston has to be taken through our local councillors. I hope they have the integrity to vote in the interests of Weston, although I am disappointed to learn that not all Weston councillors live in Weston.

I would urge all Weston residents to contact their councillors and ask them to act in Weston's interests.


St Davids Close, Weston