STILL the Tropicana debate goes on. Why? Cannot our councillors see that people do not want what is proposed by Henry Boot?

STILL the Tropicana debate goes on. Why? Cannot our councillors see that people do not want what is proposed by Henry Boot?

Now there are people pushing figures for both sides, on what is a majority, I suggest they ask North Somerset Council for an interpretation. Example: Council sent out 2,000 letters when conducting a survey. They left out over 4,000 other homes, they received less that 500 replies, some 354 were in favour. That was declared a large majority. Figures are used to suit any given situation at the time.

Yes, a lot of people don't care. Why, springs to mind. Well, councillors don't listen is the reply. But to say they are in support of it is just an assumption.

The bottom line is: will the council do the right thing for the people? Simple choice: either restore the Tropicana with a sliding roof or demolish it, and create a parking area. That way the council can make money.


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