I HAVE noticed that you often publish letters from people complaining about refuse collection and recycling in North Somerset. The anonymous communication entitled 'Lack of Privacy'

I HAVE noticed that you often publish letters from people complaining about refuse collection and recycling in North Somerset.The anonymous communication entitled 'Lack of Privacy' (Opinion May 1) surely tops the lot for reasons (excuses?) not to recycle. The writer expresses discomfort about 'people walking along the pavement able to see what products you use in your green box.' He/she doesn't recycle because of the 'complete lack of privacy'. Come on! Surely this cannot be a serious reason for not supporting the recycling scheme. By now there cannot be a person in the land who is not aware of the threat of climate change and the desperate need for individual action. We know it takes less power to recycle goods than it does to manufacture everything from new and we simply cannot continue to use our surroundings as a dustbin. It is so easy, dare I say lazy to blame the council for everything. Can you imagine the cost of having council employees sorting through your privately sealed bag of waste once it gets to the depot?Perhaps we in Sedgemoor are lucky. The green box scheme here is well supported and I have yet to hear of anyone citing lack of privacy as a reason for not recycling! I walk my dog through our village and regularly pass green boxes put out for collection. All I notice is the pleasing number of boxes in evidence, showing support for an easy way to help our waste situation. Every green box filled means less rubbish going into landfill. I can assure your correspondent that I have no interest whatsoever in how many wine bottles each person has quaffed their way through, nor in the type of baked beans they buy. Most people put their glass, tins, etc, out of sight in separate bags anyway - this makes it easier for the collectors and the bags themselves are recycled. Supporting the recycling scheme comes easily to those with the right attitude. If you look at it as a lack of privacy or an inconvenience then of course you'll have problems. In my opinion the people who should feel a sense of deep shame and embarrassment are not those with the wrong brand of beans or the cheap plonk, it's the ones who put out mountains of black plastic bags every week.MRS JANINE WHARMBY - Brent Street, Brent Knoll