IT'S wonderful to see so many people who come to Weston taking an interest and marvelling at the North Star Train in Alexandra Parade, which celebrates Isambard Kingdom Brunel's 200th anniversary. Weston Flower Power has certainly brought the town alight

IT'S wonderful to see so many people who come to Weston taking an interest and marvelling at the North Star Train in Alexandra Parade, which celebrates Isambard Kingdom Brunel's 200th anniversary. Weston Flower Power has certainly brought the town alight with colour to provide an attractive floral project and to indicate to present and future generations where the railway track used to finish in the town. The North Star look gorgeous and North Somerset Council Weston Tourism, the Horticultural Society and all who supported the project should feel very proud that Weston has something to be proud of. We should salute the Michael family for their wonderful gift and local blacksmith Nathan Bennett for his design and craftsmanship. D F COURTNEY - Victoria Park, Weston