As a resident of Wetlands Lane, close to the entrance of Greenfield Park, I do sympathise with Julie Batterham and her parking problem. However we also suffer the same problems. People have been parking across the end of our drive when we are entering or

As a resident of Wetlands Lane, close to the entrance of Greenfield Park, I do sympathise with Julie Batterham and her parking problem. However we also suffer the same problems. People have been parking across the end of our drive when we are entering or leaving our home. Both myself and my husband have been verbally abused by these people when we have asked them to move. (It is illegal to block entry to a person's property.) I also find that I often have to park my car further up the road then move it to the front of my house later. While there is nothing I can do about parking in front of the house, I would ask those who pick up children to be a little more considerate and move their vehicle further up the road where it does not cause any problems. To Ms Batterham we don't want the problem either so please don't encourage people to use Wetlands Lane. To the parents why can't your children walk to school? With green issues being ever more in the news it would be healthier to both child and the environment.Name and address supplied