THE No Worries campaign is pleased to report teenage pregnancies in our area are down. I imagine the reason for this is the greater availability, through some schools and clinics, of the morning after pill (emergency contraception). It is unlikely, I feel

THE No Worries campaign is pleased to report teenage pregnancies in our area are down. I imagine the reason for this is the greater availability, through some schools and clinics, of the morning after pill (emergency contraception). It is unlikely, I feel, that teenage sexual activity is going down.We do not know what effect these powerful pills will have long-term on the health of young, developing bodies. Will these girls find when they are in their 20s that they have difficulty in conceiving? We don't know.I am also concerned that the rates of sexually transmitted infections are dramatically rising among the young. This is a very serious, long-term problem. No condom can fully safeguard you against these infections.We need to realise too, that no contraceptives and no pill can protect our youngsters' emotional health. Our teens don't just have bodies. They have hearts too. Mental health problems such as depression and self-harm are rising among our young.For some, early sexual experience and being 'dumped' by a boyfriend or girlfriend can be too much heartache. Condoms, morning-after pills and fast-track abortions don't get to the heart of the matter. I urge parents to consider the emotional needs of their youngsters and not just the physical.JANET BROWN - Cornwallis Avenue, Worle