I WISH to thank your readers who supported our recent festival at All Saints Church, Weston. During the weekend we heard some truly divine music made by some

I WISH to thank your readers who supported our recent festival at All Saints Church, Weston.During the weekend we heard some truly divine music made by some extremely talented people. Some of the real 'greats' were here in our lovely town, James Bowman, Nicholas Cleobury and Brian Kay to name but a few.All this was made possible because of the generosity of our sponsors. Particular mention must be made of John West (Contractors) Ltd and the John Lewis Partnership, and the hard work of our organisers and fund-raisers. I must also thank the Weston & Somerset Mercury for generous coverage of the event and for advertising space.Above all this festival was for the people of our town so that they could hear good music, to discover something of the divine and know they are welcome in our beautiful church. So above all I thank them for their generous support. When the accountants have done their sums I know we will be able to announce we have been able to make a sizeable donation to Cancer Research UK and to the All Saints Organ Fund.My vision for the future is that of All Saints being a place which is known for making music and the divine accessible to all. I look forward to seeing those who supported the festival at our concerts and worship again and above all at our festival in 2009 which will be even grander.PETER BOLTON - Vicar of All Saints with St Saviour, Weston