NORTH Somerset Cllr Nigel Ashton leader of North Somerset Council says that having two mayors will help people to differentiate between himself and the chairman of the

NORTH Somerset Cllr Nigel Ashton - leader of North Somerset Council - says that having two mayors will help people to differentiate between himself and the chairman of the council.What an egocentric lot Tory councillors are when they think that public recognition is essential to local government.I can assure him that I have no problems identifying the swathing cuts they have made to essential services for our children and elderly!I can immediately recognise that the Tory administration is spending council-taxpayer's money on an extravagant £11.50 per head dinner for themselves as part of the investiture process of the new chairman of the council!An extra mayor for Weston is nothing more than a surreptitious way of skimming off yet more taxpayers' money into the pockets of these would-be grandiose politicians whose main concern seems to be the advancement of their earnings potential rather than providing essential services for the most vulnerable people in the county.TONY PROBERT - South Lawn, Locking