THERE is much interest regarding Cllr Webb's economy drive; the economies will, of course, be made at the expense of our depleted leisure and cultural

THERE is much interest regarding Cllr Webb's economy drive; the economies will, of course, be made at the expense of our depleted leisure and cultural facilities. This is not especially surprising though.Because what is really required is an 'effective drive'. That is, to be pedantic, where the word 'efficiency' is taken to mean 'does anyone know how to do the job we pay them for', the word 'drive' I have added simply because we must all have a democratic right to be pointless, obviously.The letter in last week's paper relating to the appalling resurfacing work undertaken on the A370 around Lympsham is just one testament to the necessity of the above. Who appoints these contractors? Who signs off 'a job well done'? We know who pays the bill.Before we agree to bumblers organising the economies I think we would all prefer to see some professionals organising the original spending of our money.P HUNTER - Trewartha Park, Weston