I AM writing regarding the article in the North Somerset Times dated February 17 Lake Ground yobs – action promised .

I AM writing regarding the article in the North Somerset Times dated February 17 'Lake Ground yobs - action promised'.

How can Councillor Pasley say that he would like an independent survey amongst the young people of Portishead to establish their needs when only a few weeks ago, North Somerset councillor's threw out the planning application for a skatepark at the Lake Grounds.

The project had 458 letters of support and only 20 against and was recommended for approval by the planning officers; also all the money raised was done so by the young people of Portishead, Surely it is obvious what the young people of Portishead want? Cllr Pasley may want to forget about a survey that showed that 94 per cent of Portishead residents were supportive of a skatepark.

Councilors and the police seem to equate young people with trouble, as soon as any facility is considered for teenagers it is assumed that there will be problems.

How can we expect young people to feel valued and included in their town, when any outlet for positive expression is dismissed as it is assumed that it will lead to antisocial behavior.

This town needs to engage with its young people and treat the cause of anti-social behaviour not to constantly moan about them and with the 'not on my door step' attitude.


Roath Road, Portishead