Army teams from the Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit in Wiltshire were called to investigate an unexploded bomb found on Sand Bay yesterday (Thursday).

A dog walker discovered the munition and called the police, who then alerted bomb disposal teams.

Emergency services set-up a cordon and the coastguard at Weston and Clevedon was sent to establish a safe perimeter at sea.

Weston Coastguard said the ordnance was a naval shell used on warships but 'years of erosion' had made it impossible to tell if it was live or a test unit.

At around 4pm, the teams detonated the shell in a controlled explosion to minimise the risk to the public.

Weston Mercury: Teams from the Explosive Ordnance Disposal carried out the controlled explosion.Teams from the Explosive Ordnance Disposal carried out the controlled explosion. (Image: HM Coastguard)

A spokesperson for the coastguard said: "The suspicious object was no doubt uncovered by the recent storms.

"Upon arrival of the scene, bomb disposal experts worked out it was a five pound naval shell.

"With the object safely out of harms way and a cordon in place, the army detonated their charges causing a rather loud bang.

"We would like to thank the public for their cooperation and patience and remind them to stay safe on the coast."