TOWN council officers are exploring new ways of reducing the costs of looking after bus shelters, after the last one repaired cost more than £1,500.

The grounds management team at Weston Town Council recently refurbished the damaged bus shelter in Lonsdale Avenue, but this work took up more than the authority’s total budget for all bus shelters.

The grounds service report, received at the latest community services committee on Monday evening, said: “This work too longer than anticipated due to difficulties with finding specialist bus shelter repair and maintenance companies.

“Because of the extent of damage, requiring re-fabrication of some parts of the structure, the overall cost for this one shelter was £1,508.45.

“The cost of this has exceeded the total budget for bus shelters.”

The town council takes care of 18 bus shelters and ideas on reducing the hefty costs include passing some across to a private specialist.

They would then maintain the bus shelter, which would be paid for by advertising.

The grounds service report also says: “There may also be scope for arranging ongoing work through a local contractor who would have, or could develop, specialist repair and maintenance procedures.”