A LOCAL volunteer group is contemplating its future amid fears it may not find further funding.

Despite receiving financial help from Sedgemoor District Council and the Friends of Apex Park Improvements Group, it is feared Playday may not be able to continue next year.

The group comprises a collection of members who are passionate about children’s play, aiming to raise awareness about the importance of play in children’s lives.

The organisation held its annual Playday 2013 event last week, which showcased communities around Britain hosting a range of events, from jubilee-style street parties to mass adventures in woodlands, all with the aim of getting children out and about having fun.

This year’s event saw nearly 6,000 visitors descend on Apex Park in Marine Drive, Burnham and allowed parents to have a day off from spending their hard-earned money keeping the kids entertained.

Playday is looking for businesses who would be able to provide sponsorship towards next year’s event and volunteers to help run events.

For more information on the organisation visit www.playday.org.uk or call organiser Rosie Pike on 07867 967087.