An 'amazing' nursery in Weston has welcomed a new early years practitioner following an 'outstanding' apprenticeship programme. 

Former Priory School and Weston College student, Lottie, now works at Little Learners nursery based at St. Anne’s Church Academy following a three-year apprenticeship.

Natalie Blower, of Little Learners, said: "Lottie has done magnificently - we are so delighted to have her as part of the staff.

"The time and effort Lottie has put into her college work has not gone unnoticed by anyone, whether that’s coming into work early or staying late after her shift has finished, or reaching out to a member of the nursery crew to ask for help. 

"We are so proud of everything she has achieved throughout her journey. 

"Her practice with the children is phenomenal and she has such a positive relationship with the parents."

St Anne’s is a dual-site primary school with a 150-year-old building at Hewish, and a  new build at West Wick.

It is part of The Priory Learning Trust.