"Worle Lions Club were pleased to welcome our guests to our June club meeting -  district governor Lesley Chudley accompanied by past district governor Fred Broom.

"After the meeting was coming to a close, Lion president Clive Robinson presented the DG with a bouquet of flowers and thanked her for the hard work she had done over her year in office and the encouragement shown to us. This was followed by the usual exchange of club bannerettes.

"Worle Lions Club were presented with the DG’s personal banner. If that was not enough, Leslie said how when she last visited the club, we were struggling with numbers, her thoughts were that although everyone was trying to keep the club going after the pandemic, she wondered if the club would be able to last the year.

"DG Leslie made us feel our hard work had been noticed and appreciated, that we not only survived but have been a very active club throughout her year, attending events including attending district convention, visiting other clubs in our district, and winning the trophy for the Lions district scrap book competition.

"Leslie said was proud to hear we had raised enough funds to purchase and install a second defibrillator (to be installed soon in the Worle area).

"The meeting ended with district governor Leslie presenting the club with her personal certificate of appreciation in recognition of our inspirational service. She also said this certificate of appreciation is the only one to be given in our district 105SW by DG Leslie.

"We were told she wanted to make this presentation to be her last duty before her year came to an end.

"This was totally unexpected by the club, there was a rapturous applause after we had all picked up our jaws from the floor.

"I am sure the certificate will be framed in gold and placed in a prominent location for all to see.

"So proud to be a Lion."

Member of Worle Lions Club.