"Little more than eight months has passed since a furore erupted over See Monster, but its so-called 'lasting legacy' serves as an ever-present reminder that the road to Hell is indeed paved with good intentions. 

"Last week, I stumbled upon the [perhaps unfinished] planted garden (on Beach Lawns) which was assembled following its infamous departure.

"Though now a pleasant spot to picnic, it appears the public are unaware it even exists. 

"In true C.S. Lewis style, I found myself unlatching tired old hinges and wandering forgotten lands, but neither Narnia nor Elysian was to be discovered. 

"North Somerset Council boasted flora in the 'thousands', and yet the glorious composite was a mere few shrubs lazily arranged around, what felt, a cramped and hastily put together ‘helipad’ focal point. 

"As extensively reported in your newspaper, gaffes plagued the project time over and divided the opinion of locals: 'See Monstrosity' was quick to stick. So it’s somewhat ironic that any visitor looking to enquire the purpose of this lacklustre display is met with a desperate lack of signage. Surely this is a must to tempt visitors its way? 

"The only thing not yet hard of seeing passers-by might spot - hidden beneath the undergrowth and placed a convenient six feet behind match stick fencing - is a notice board boasting, yes that’s right, computer generated images of the attraction! 

"Are its makers embarrassed? Or perhaps the bohemians are already en route to another seaside town to sell their next overpriced blunder?

"It seems just Weston’s luck to be ‘spoiled’ by the fruits of yet another unrealized success story."

Cllr. Charlie Williams