WESTON Rotary's very own Morris Men helped to celebrate the handover of the presidency to Roy Schubert.

Complete with bells, waving handkerchiefs and clapping sticks, the celebration took place at the Golf Club earlier this week.

One of Roy's hopes for his time in office is that it will be filled with fun while he helps to serve the community.

Peter, George, Stewart and Julian showed off their skills, which had recently been displayed in Holland during one of Weston Rotary’s exchange visits with the Rotary Club of Delft Konigsberg, where they chose this Folk Dance to demonstrate to their hosts, something which was typically English.

President Roy has chosen Children's Hospice South West, Alzheimer’s Society and Cancer Research as the three main charities Weston Rotary will be supporting this year.

On July 27, the rotary club will hold the 27th Annual Charity Golf Day at Weston Golf Club.

To find out more, contact Stewart on 07776 216304 or email secretary@wsmRotary.uk.