A LOCAL councillor has said that the proposal to close Weston's ticket office is "absolutely barmy."

If the proposals, which have been put forward by the Rail Delivery Group, come into force, staff would move out of ticket offices and onto station platforms, concourses and ticket halls, and would instead adopt customer help roles, such as giving advice on the cheapest journeys.

Cllr Mike Bell said: "100,000 rail tickets sold or collected last year through Weston-super-Mare station ticket office (29% of all tickets). Yet GWR and this government want to close it. Absolutely barmy.

"This is significant numbers of passengers who will be inconvenienced at the least and locked out at worst from rail travel. Many of these will be visually impaired, older, digitally excluded or disabled who will find alternatives difficult or impossible.

"Object here via consumer champions Transport Focus https://www.transportfocus.org.uk/ticket-office.../

"The deadline to have your say is July 26, so only days away."