WESTON Village is set to benefit from improved access for emergency vehicles, refuse lorries and bus services.

In order to make this possible, new parking restrictions have been proposed along the X5 bus route as part of North Somerset Council's Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP).

Because of vehicles parked in the way, it has often been the case that emergency and refuse collection vehicles haven't been able to get through.

The X5 service was recently re-introduced, but was soon withdrawn again following complaints from the bus operator, who said that parking issues were forcing their drivers to over-run kerbed areas, causing damage to the footway and buses, creating pedestrian safety issues, and resulting in buses unable to pass parked cars.  

Cllr Hannah Young, executive member for Transport and Highways at North Somerset Council, said: "For First Bus to bring back this important service and for it to run reliably, we need to address parking issues within Weston Village.

"The plans have been agreed by the ambulance and refuse services and now we need to hear from the people that use the roads every day. 

“It’s vital residents’ feedback on the proposals to ensure that the plans best meet the needs of the village.” 

Residents can comment on the proposed plans using the InConsult page HERE.

Following a successful bid to the Department for Transport (DfT), over £105m of Government funding has been allocated for bus improvements, with £48m earmarked for capital improvements in North Somerset alone.

£57.5m will be used as a pooled revenue fund with the West of England Combined Authority to enable delivery of the Bus Service Improvement Plan.  

It is hoped that the plan will make bus travel quicker, cheaper and more environmentally friendly.

Additional improvements as part of BSIP include: 

  • The new WESTlink, – a local ‘on demand’ bus service that connects communities that are without a local scheduled service. 
  • Improving 18 bus routes in North Somerset, resulting in quicker services and higher bus frequencies in towns and urban areas. 
  • Work to reduce carbon emissions from local transport – a key priority for the council as part of its commitment to tackle the climate emergency.
  • Supporting economic growth enabling people and businesses to connect, attend college whilst travelling easily and affordably to new education and employment opportunities.