AN uninsured motorist from Weston has avoided a driving ban for health reasons.

Samuel Athlestan Beaumont, aged 22, of Greenhill Close, was found guilty of the offence when he appeared at North Somerset Magistrates' Court on Wednesday (August 16).

The court heard he committed the offence by riding a motorcycle at Ellenborough Park North in the town on November 10 last year.

Beaumont was fined £120 for the offence and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £48, along with an £85 contribution towards he Crown Prosecution Service's costs.

He was also given six penalty points on his licence, which took him over the totting up total for a disqualification, although that was not enforced due to the impact it would have on his health.

He was ordered to pay his £253 court bill at a rate of £20 a month starting on September 13.