A WESTON motorist has been fined more than £100 for every mph she was driving over the speed limit.

Dhathri Kiran Bollu, 37, of Vicarage Close, was found guilty of the offence when she appeared at North Somerset Magistrates' Court on Wednesday (August 16).

The court was told that Bollu was clocked doing 69mph on a 60mph stretch of the M5 between Junctions 16 and 17 southbound, the M4 between Junctions 16 and 17 southbound, and the M5 between Junctions 15 and 17 on October 5 last year.

She was fined £384 and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £154, along with a contribution of £620 towards prosecution costs.

Bollu also received three penalty points on her licence.

Her total court bill to be paid is £1,158.