THE number 7 bus service route is going to change from tomorrow (Sunday, October 1) to travel directly via Bowen Road in the Locking Parklands estate.

The route has been amended this week after discussions with local residents and the Locking Parklands site developer who requested the change.

The number 7 service will continue to run seven days a week, running every 20 minutes during weekdays, every 30 minutes on Saturdays, every 60 minutes on Sundays and every 60 minutes each evening.

This change will mean the service is rerouted from Farmborough Road, Chamberlain Road and Cranwell Road on the Locking Parklands estate to instead travel via Bowen Road.

The bus stop that was on Cranwell road will also be moved across to Nicholson Road which is situated after the Bowen Road Junction.

There are plans to add more bus stops within the Locking Parklands estate as discussions with the site developer continue.

As new communities are built, routes and frequency of bus services will be refined over time.

Balancing the location and accessibility of bus stops ensures that the integration of public transport provides fair access for residents to local facilities.

Cllr Hannah Young, North Somerset Council's executive member for highways and transport, said: “As a council we are committed to listening to residents in our area to better serve our developing communities.

"Local residents requested this change and we have worked hard with First Bus to make this change happen quickly.

"We want to support services so that local residents become comfortable to leave the car at home.

"And until the end of October, you can make the most of fares that are capped at £2.

"Why not take advantage of this and try a new way to commute or visit some of North Somerset’s great attractions?”

For more information and to plan your journey by bus, visit