AVON Fire and Rescue Service has given out some energy-saving tips to help you stay warm and spend less money on your heating bills this winter.

Heat the body, not the home

The fire service recommends that, instead of instantly turning the heating on as soon as you feel cold, grab a blanket or a thick jumper instead. This could help you save money on your bills.

Additionally, cutting your central heating temperature by just 1°C will make a big difference to the amount of energy you use without seriously impacting the temperature of your home.

Set a timer

If your system has a timer function, you should definitely use it. The timer can switch your heating on and off, meaning that you use it less. Turning your heating on only during the coldest parts of the day ensures you are kept cosy but aren't breaking the bank.

Heat individual rooms

It is also recommended that you only heat the rooms you are in or the spaces that are used often. If you can, switch the individual radiators off in the rooms you aren't using.