THE organisers of Weston Carnival have said that it was "crushing" to see all of the delays and disturbances to this year's event. 

The carnival took place on Friday, November 10.

According to the carnival team, the night didn't quite go as planned due to delays and disturbances by "trouble makers."

Posting on Facebook, a spokesperson from the carnival team said: "We hope everyone had the best night and thank you for bearing with us and the delays. A year in the making and it is absolutely crushing when the event is impacted with situations beyond our control.

"We had to stop the parade twice to allow access to the route for ambulances dealing with medical emergencies, we are sure you will join with us in hoping all is well for those concerned.

"One of the carts at the front of the parade had a mechanical issue that took some time to resolve which caused a further delay. We have the huge recovery tow trucks on site, however, with a stuck wheel being the problem, towing wasn't an option.

"Thank you to the police and security for dealing with trouble makers who were being obstructive to the carts.

"Smoking in various forms and substances, as the event is in a public space we can't impose any restrictions.

"Our live stream trial was far more successful than we thought. The issue was not with the camera or the upload as it was all hard wired. The trial with the supplier had a capacity of 2000 views at any one time, as we were at five times that number, the servers at the other end struggled.

"We now know that we will need to allow for up for 20,000 to be on the safe side and that will come at a cost but will resolve the problem.

"Parking, we are working on a park and ride scheme for next year which will help with the volume of cars in town.

"The crowds were staggering in numbers, we were thankful for the sunny and dry day again this year (always a relief) which brought people by the tens of thousands to the event.

"It is a challenge for those at the back to give their donations. We will have the additional mechanic of text to donate for next year, a much easier way of donating."

Avon and Somerset Police has been contacted for a comment in regards to people being obstructive.