THE Sovereign is gearing up to embrace the festive season this November.

On November 30, the Weston-based shopping centre will switch on its Christmas lights. The Sovereign team have joined forces with Weston Hospicecare for their tree of light.

Chief Elf Gigglepants, Elsa and even Santa himself will be making an appearance from 5pm.

At 6pm, Lipinski will perform some of their "great music."

Posting on Facebook, a spokesperson from The Sovereign said: "Are you coming along to the light switch-on November 30?

"Fun starts at 5pm, Chief Elf Gigglepants from The Amazing Elf Workshop and Santa's Grotto will be here to entertain you along with Elsa from Animated Inspired Parties who will be singing and posing for photos and we are hoping that Father Christmas will be dropping in.

"All this fun before the switch-on at 6pm with Lipinski followed by some of their great music. We cannot wait to welcome you."