AFTER taking a hiatus, I am back.

It was a longer break than I had anticipated but it was also busier. Or so it seemed.

It doesn’t matter how organised I am every year, it still bowls me over when I’m in the thick of it. Now that we are passed all the madness I can reflect on what was a magical season.

Many memories were made and special moments had. Tobogganing, ice skiing, pantomime, decorating, parties, family and food.

However, as usual there were very many arguments, tantrums and times I have literally banged my head against the wall with frustration.

So, here’s the low down:

  • Outings we had: 8;
  • Parties, shindigs and soirées attended: 4;
  • Amount spent on charity: £140;
  • Amount on children: £400;
  • Times felt overwhelmed: 98;
  • Times kids complained: 226;
  • Times cried with joy/pride: 15;
  • Times went out (adults only): 1;
  • Number of things done for charity: 2;
  • Brownies: 500;
  • Cupcakes: 150;
  • Gingerbread houses: 3;
  • Xmas cakes: 6;
  • Xmas trees decorated: 10;
  • Times set oven on fire: 1;
  • Bottles of wine consumed: I lost count at 20.

Obviously this is a glimpse, there are some very rare happy moments where no one is screaming or shouting or hurting themselves.

With the two boys it’s just pure chaos all the time. They only have two speeds, stop and go, but not just go. Run as fast as you can until you fall over. It is crazy every second of every day.

I am aware though that as the youngest is getting older things are easier to do around the house. I don’t have to panic about him going up and down the stairs or doing anything dangerous whilst I’m busy sorting or cleaning. What I do have to worry about though is their fighting and playing on the stairs.

It has been peaceful letting them play. Going to parties and letting them both just go up the stairs and not worry too much. Whilst I’m busy, I do get the eldest asking me to come and see things and asking me questions and for help when he is ‘stuck’. He’s not stuck!

That boy is going to be a footballer, whenever anyone touches him he just throws himself on the floor. He is so dramatic it really confuses me. I just stare at him and wonder whose child this is.

Just when I’m enjoying them being more independent and getting stuff done, right in the thick of it, you can guarantee every single time I get silly questions. The kind of questions you have no idea how to answer, because sometimes there are no answers because it’s not even a logical question any human would ask. For any reason.

I’m cooking a dinner and cleaning the sides down as well as baking them some snacks and working on my new year plans when after playing nicely for a couple of hours uninterrupted my eldest comes downstairs and says………

Mum, why can’t I sit down?

Jolene Wilson, Weston Mum.