A WESTON man is running an impressive 46 half marathons in just as many weeks dressed in a Superman suit to raise money for charity.

Thomas Young is tackling the challenge to raise vital funds for Cots for Tots, which looks after newborn babies in Bristol's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

The Cots for Tots team aims to support the babies in the unit as well as their families, creating a free 'home from home'.

When he was born, Thomas' son, Jaxon, spent 46 days in the NICU before he sadly passed away in May 2023. 

Weston Mercury: Thomas is running in memory of his son, Jaxon.Thomas is running in memory of his son, Jaxon. (Image: Thomas Young)

Thomas had promised Jaxon that, when they would leave the hospital, he would run a half marathon with his son in his pushchair dressed as Superman. He never got to have that chance.

Thomas said: "For 46 days, the NICU team alongside Cots for Tots charity worked hard both day and night to look after our son, so without a doubt our focus was to raise money for the charity which will forever hold a special place in my wife and my selves heart."

Thomas started the challenge in July 2023 and is due to finish on May 14, 2024.

So far, around £3,646 has been raised. Residents are urged to donate to the cause.

Thomas' Just Giving fundraiser for Cots For Tots reads: "Any donation, no matter how big or small, would help towards this superb charity.

"The charity helps to support families like ours, those that are in need of the NICU unit. They helped us give our little fighter everything possible, for the short space of time we had with him, so now it's our turn to repay the favour and fundraise as much as possible for them and other families."

Weston Mercury: Thomas is running the marathons dressed in a Superman suit.Thomas is running the marathons dressed in a Superman suit. (Image: Thomas Young)

Thomas has received an amazing show of support.

Posting on the Just Giving page, one commenter said: "Donated again instead of posting Christmas cards this year. Keep up with all your efforts, commitment. You're doing brilliantly!"

Another added: "What an inspirational Dad. So sorry you had such a short time with your son."

Echoing this, a third contributed: "You are doing so well Tom and for a great cause. So proud."