THE "brilliant" team at Weston Gymnastics Centre have put the town's mayor through his paces to help him prepare for his upcoming charity marathon.

Cllr Ciaran Cronnelly will tackle the marathon in March. All proceeds raised will be donated to Weston Foodbank.

Posting on Facebook, Cllr Cronnelly said: "Thank you ever so much to Weston Gymnastics Centre for letting me join your training and taking me through my paces.

"I've learnt many new stretches and have sore arms and legs! It was hard to keep up but loved every minute of it.

"The team are brilliant and are very very talented gymnasts - many of the team I trained with today have competed at a national level and Lola, who helped me through the drills, is a world champion!

"These gymnasts have a very bright future.

"A special shout out to the coaches running the centre. It takes a huge amount of time, dedication and commitment to run a centre as successful as this, with a team as successful as they are. Massive credit to you.

"This has certainly helped me get ready for my big marathon run on March 2 through Weston-super-Mare, raising money for WsM Foodbank."