WESTON residents have reacted to the news that plans to revamp the town's Tropicana building have moved closer with North Somerset Council’s appointment of architecture practice RCKa.

The building is set to receive a £8.67m investment to repair and upgrade facilities and increase capacity.

This is made possible thanks to the authority’s successful bid for £20 million from the UK government’s Levelling Up Fund.

Once secured, the long-term operator will manage the venue following completion of refurbishment. 

Locals have had mixed reactions upon hearing this news. Many still call for a swimming pool to be installed as part of the refurbishment.

Commenting on a social share of the Weston Mercury's original story, one person said: "If you are going to spend that eye-watering amount on it give us a swimming pool."

Another added: "Outdoor pool and entertainment complex is a no brainer, would generate pure millions so don't waste this opportunity to make Weston absolutely awesome for families that bring cash and kids!

"Bristol is doing the concert venue thing so no need to try to compete."

Echoing this, a third said: "Are we having an open pool back again with a retractable roof for ice skating in the winter?"

Not everybody agreed. Some would rather see the building turned into a popular retail store, with one person saying: "They could use that money to put in a Primark!"

Another said: "So agree there, give us some good shops plus Primark."

Other suggestions included turning the building into a "cheap car park."

Councillor Mike Solomon, North Somerset Council’s executive member responsible for seafronts, events and concessions, said: “The much-loved Tropicana is a key destination at the heart of the seafront in Weston-super-Mare.

"However, the reality is that it doesn’t currently cover its operational costs and it needs significant repair.

"Thanks to our Levelling Up Fund award, it will be given a new lease of life to make sure facilities are fit for purpose and flexible enough to host a wider range of activities.

“We want to attract higher profile acts, culture and entertainment events to elevate Weston’s place within the regional, national and international scene."