NORTH Somerset Council is set to celebrate the tenth anniversary of its Equipment and Demonstration Centre (EDC) in Weston.

The EDC, which can be found within the Motex Centre on Winterstoke Road, promotes home independence and acts as a vital hub for those seeking advice on home adaptations and services.

Hayley Verrico, North Somerset Council’s Director of Adult Social Services and Housing Solutions, said: “Our vision for adult social services and housing in North Somerset is to promote wellbeing by helping our residents to be as independent as possible, for as long possible.

“The EDC is a fundamental part of delivering this vision, because it creates a space where we can work in partnership with people to help them access the information, guidance, and support they need to lead fulfilling lives.”

From 11am to 3pm on Thursday, June 27, locals can attend an open day at the EDC to celebrate the landmark anniversary, as well as chat with representatives from a wide range of companies like Handicare Stairlifts and AKW Bathrooms.

During the event,  Medequip will provide free servicing of walking sticks.

Representatives from various other services will also be attending, which will include:

  • North Somerset Council's Carers Service;
  • Occupational Therapy and Technology Enabled Care (TEC) teams;
  • Handyperson Service;
  • Community Connect;
  • Sirona Specialist Falls Service.

Whilst there, guests will be invited to try out food samples from Community Meals, as well as enjoy light refreshments.

Councillor Roger Whitfield, North Somerset Council’s executive member for Adult Services and Stronger Communities, said: “The EDC is one of North Somerset’s gems and I am looking forward to it opening its doors to residents who are looking to improve their quality of life in and around the home.

“We highly recommend attending our open day to explore how we can work with you, to make life easier. Or, if you'd prefer a quieter time, you can book an appointment with an experienced advisor by calling 01275 888 804 or emailing”

Available to view will be a 'smart' bathroom highlighting the latest technology to aid independence, as well as riser/recliner chairs and a range of mobility aids, to name just a few.