A child-friendly networking event for businesswomen in Weston-super-Mare has been set up as part of a project to improve the town and help companies to flourish.

Ladies Who Latte is aimed at women who struggle to attend early-morning breakfast meetings or evening networking events because of their childcare commitments.

The project has been set up as part of the Business In The Community charity initiative, which is designed to tackle deprivation by supporting businesses.

It aims to encourage enterprise, employment, education and community cohesion, which it is hoped will in turn help Weston’s most deprived areas in South and Central wards.

It is hoped by helping businesses to grow, employment opportunities will increase too, leading to better prospects for people.

Ladies Who Latte is just one of the projects being run by Alix Evans, Weston’s business connector, who will be in the post until August.

She said: “We have identified initiatives and projects to help the area improve, and encourage businesses to flourish.

“I have noticed, being a mum myself, a lot of breakfast meetings and business meetings are quite difficult to get to with small children.

“At Ladies Who Latte, they will get to meet other businesswomen with small businesses and maybe they can work together.”

Encouraging people from businesses and charities to team up is key to Business In The Community.

Alix has also started a charity networking group, where non-profit organisations can share best practice and ideas.

She is also working with business owners in Orchard Meadows to create a summer event to celebrate independent retailers in the area.

She said: “It is not just about events, and I am trying to get businesses together to talk to each other about their ideas.

“The idea is I can step away and it will still continue to happen.”

The first Ladies Who Latte event will be at Loves Café in West Street on March 2 from 10.30am to noon.