A choir has raised more than £500 for Weston Hospicecare during an emotional concert held in memory of two of its former members.

St Mary's Church Choir, from Hutton performed the Roger Jones musical Wildfire at Weston;s Christ Church in memory of Pat Jefferis and Jackie Williams, who both died in June.

Both Pat and Jackie were cared for by Weston Hospicecare in their final weeks and choir members had voted unanimously to stage the event to raise money for the charity.

The concert was a repeat of one staged earlier in the year, when Pat sung alongside other choristers and Jackie had supported the group as 'one of the pillars of the organisation'.

Jackie's husband John said: "The support we had here (at the hospice) was fantastic. Even if we held a concert every week, it still wouldn't be enough to repay the hospice."