A North Somerset school has been given something to celebrate at the start of the new term after being classified as ‘outstanding’ overall by Ofsted.

Churchill Academy was visited by inspectors on July 14 and 15, who rated it outstanding in the areas of leadership and management, behaviour and safety of pupils, quality of teaching, pupil achievement and sixth form provision.

This was the first time the school had been inspected since becoming an academy in 2011, when it received a ‘good’ rating.

Headteacher Dr Barry Wratten said: “Since our last inspection we have set out to do all our work in an outstanding manner.

“This we have achieved and the long wait has been frustrating, but now we have the Ofsted judgement we deserve and this reflects on the whole school’s commitment – students, staff, governors, parents and our many partners in the area who help, support and enrich our work.

“To all of them I say thank you and well done.

“Every aspect of this has made me proud. I am a trained Ofsted inspector and in all my years I have rarely had the pleasure of reading such glowing feedback.”

The report stated: “The promotion of students’ spiritual, moral, cultural and social development is outstanding and permeates all aspects of the academy’s work.

“Students are welcoming of difference and exceptionally well prepared for life in modern Britain.

To view the findings in full, visit www.churchill-academy.org