A NEW speed sign will be installed in Sandford to slow traffic in the village.

A NEW speed sign will be installed in Sandford to slow traffic in the village.

The sign will flash at vehicles travelling faster than the 30mph limit to remind drivers of the speed they should be going.

District councillor Tony Lake said: "We have been waiting for one of these for such a long time and it is good to know Sandford will finally get one.

"Although the limit is only 30mph through the whole village, because the road is quite wide and straight a lot of drivers do tend to go a lot faster than this."

Cllr Lake said a member of the highways agency has visited the village to pinpoint a site where the sign could go.

One option is to place it between Sandford Primary School and the end of the village near Churchill.

Jeanette Sampson, who works at the school, said: "We have been doing work with the children to promote road safety with the help of the police.

"We would be delighted if the sign was put near the school for the safety of our pupils."

Cllr Lake said there is no definite date for when the sign will be installed but it will be in the very near future.