BURNHAM and Highbridge town councillors have objected to plans for a new wind farm development. West Somerset Council wants to site nine wind turbines west of Hinkley Point in Stogursey, but Burnham and Highbridge Town Council believes the farm would 'be

BURNHAM and Highbridge town councillors have objected to plans for a new wind farm development.West Somerset Council wants to site nine wind turbines west of Hinkley Point in Stogursey, but Burnham and Highbridge Town Council believes the farm would 'be detrimental to tourism and alter the landscape of the area'. West Somerset, which originally submitted plans for 12 turbines back in 2004, has consulted the town council again because the site can be seen from Burnham.Town clerk Eileen Shaw said: "Although town councillors have noted that the plans have changed so that there are nine turbines now instead of 12 they say they still want to object. "They say the site will be detrimental to tourism and will alter the landscape. "Councillors are also concerned about the environmental impact the site will have."The town council objected back in 2004 originally and it will object to the revised application as well."I am going to email the response to West Somerset Council immediately."If the development goes ahead the nine wind turbines will be 110 metres high and there will also be a mast on the site, as well as underground cabling.