DOZENS of neighbours on a Weston estate came to the aid of an animal lover when her much-loved puppy disappeared. Isabelle Giddings was

DOZENS of neighbours on a Weston estate came to the aid of an animal lover when her much-loved puppy disappeared.Isabelle Giddings was overwhelmed with support when she discovered the 10-week-old white boxer, Ecco, she had bought for her son had disappeared from her garden in Brompton Road on the Oldmixon estate.A huge team of concerned neighbours came to the family's aid by canvassing the estate, knocking on doors, putting posters up and asking everyone they could think of.After the day-long campaign Ecco mysteriously reappeared fresh-faced in her neighbour's locked garden at 10pm, much to the delight of Isabelle and her 13-year-old son Oliver.The 49-year-old, who has lived on the estate for 25 years, said: "We put the puppy in the garden for 10 minutes with a couple of our other dogs. I went to get him and couldn't find him. "He couldn't have got out because the garden is secure. Everyone came out of the woodwork and rallied round, even people I've never seen or spoken to before. I was so thankful to them all."The person who bred the puppy had pictures on their computer and printed 50 posters to put up around the estate. "Then after I'd been crying for about five hours my neighbour came round screaming because Ecco had just appeared in her garden.