UPHILL Primary School is celebrating after passing its latest Ofsted inspection with flying colours. The school was given a Notice to Improve during an inspection in September 2005 and staff were told they needed to raise standards of the more able pupils

UPHILL Primary School is celebrating after passing its latest Ofsted inspection with flying colours.The school was given a Notice to Improve during an inspection in September 2005 and staff were told they needed to raise standards of the more able pupils as well as mathematical achievement.After a visit last November, Ofsted chief inspector Susan Wheeler found the school had made a significant improvement in all areas and rated its achievements as good.Her report said: "Teaching is good overall and pupils work hard to meet the high standards expected. Lessons are interesting and pupils are given appropriate guidance to encourage them to do their best. Those with learning difficulties and disabilities are very well supported by very effective learning support assistants."She also added that pupils' social development was outstanding and said the children were excellent ambassadors for the school.Headteacher David Edwards said: "Team work, creativity and a determination to achieve high standards has helped Uphill Primary School become a great place to learn and work. We are already working on areas for further development and of course will work closely with parents and the community to ensure we maintain high standards for the future."The school is now working on improving provisions in the reception class and monitoring pupils' progress more efficiently.