A planning application has received almost 300 objections after villagers raise environmental concerns.

The proposal for the land at Dinghurt Road, in Churchill, is for the erection of 48 homes, a community orchard and a car park.

Villagers have raised concerns on the application - which has received 281 objections and no support - about extra traffic, loss of green fields and how healthcare and education demands will be met.

Churchill Parish Council, which suggested North Somerset Council reject the applicationin a letter, said 300 homes had been added to the village in the last four years, leading to congestion on the roads and added pressure on local facilities.

One resident from Wedgewood Bristol Road, Churchill, said: "This proposal is major and will lead to significant environmental change in a community already facing severe over-development.

"As a parasitic proposal, additional pressures will be placed on the existing inadequate road network, and few local employment opportunities exist to accommodate present village expansion.

"Similarly, no proposals are made to deal with the new demands on healthcare and education.

"At a time when extra sensitivity is needed to meet legislation to preserve the rural environment, reduce emissions and provide a greener future, this proposal is completely out of keeping and should be opposed by the Planning Authority."

Members of the Churchill and Langford Residents Action Group (CALRAG) said: "The Inspectors who examined the West of England Joint Spatial Plan found it to be unsound, as the plan was so fundamentally flawed.

"They commented that there needs to be a significant change of mindset by the Planning Officers.

"Even now, this doesn't appear to be happening, as planning officers are still prepared to entertain further large-scale planning applications in Churchill and Langford that contradict many national and local planning policies. This demonstrates a total lack of willingness to take on board the concerns of Independent Inspectors regarding basic planning policies and a casual disregard for North Somerset's Climate Change Emergency commitment."

To read the planning application, log onto www.bit.ly/2umq1SU