Weston Air Festival and Armed Forces Day has been cancelled this year, but a plethora of events are lined up in its place this summer in preparation for restrictions lifting in the coming months.

Events planned for the height of the tourism season include the Great Weston Ride - a city-to-coast bike ride through the Mendips and across the Somerset Levels - the hugely popular three-day Real Ale and Cider Festival run by Weston Lions on the Beach Lawns, Trucks @ The Beach Show and the Vintage Bus Rally.

Weston Mercury: The Great Weston Ride is set to return this year.The Great Weston Ride is set to return this year. (Image: Phil O'Connor/SPORTIVEPHOTO Ltd)

Other events in the line-up include the continental street market, the Sea Shanty and Folk Festival, Cancer Research’s Race for Life 5k, Weston Beach Rugby Festival, MG owners’ car meet and the town’s dairy festival.

Weston Mercury: Visitors enjoying Weston Dairy Festival on the Beach Lawns before coronavirus hit the UK.Visitors enjoying Weston Dairy Festival on the Beach Lawns before coronavirus hit the UK. (Image: Archant)

However, North Somerset Council has called off Weston Air Festival and Armed Forces Day celebrations, which were scheduled for the weekend of June 19-20.

Officers add that Government restrictions in place at that time regarding large outdoor gatherings mean the popular event cannot go ahead this year. The council says alternative dates were explored, but running the air festival was ‘operationally unviable’.

Weston Mercury: Weston Air Festival and Armed Forces Weekend in 2019.Weston Air Festival and Armed Forces Weekend in 2019. (Image: Archant)

North Somerset Council's executive member for leisure, culture and tourism, Cllr Mike Solomon, said: "We are extremely disappointed Weston Air Festival is not able to go ahead this year. It is one of the region’s flagship events and is of huge importance to the local economy.

"However, we have to follow Government guidance which means we are unable to stage an event of this size at this time. Our priority continues to be to protect the health and safety of both local residents and visitors."

Weston Mercury: Marine Lake Beach in Weston.Marine Lake Beach in Weston. (Image: Paul Blakemore)

Cllr Solomon added the authority plans to get ‘as many events in the calendar as possible’ to help revive tourism in the area, which has ‘suffered greatly’ during the UK’s lockdowns.

Weston Lions, which normally runs its Real Ale and Cider Festival annually, says it is working behind the scenes to make its 2021 event one to remember.

Weston Mercury: Weston Lions Real Ale and Cider Festival in 2019.Weston Lions Real Ale and Cider Festival in 2019. (Image: Archant)

A spokesman said: “Weston Lions have been brewing the foundations in the hope that when July comes, it can make a comeback.

“With the support of our sponsors old and new, this festival will continue to be a major fundraising event helping our local community.”