Two boxers representing Weston-super-Mare Amateur Boxing Club have done themselves proud on an all female show held in Taunton.

Blue Flames ABC held the show in Taunton and boxers from Weston Merlen George and Aimee both did well.

Unfortunately the results didn't go their way but they both performed well and highlighted their skills.

Aimee lost to a more experienced girl on a 3-2 split decision, feedback from the officials was that a little bit more busyness in round 3 after a very strong 2nd could have seen a different result.

Mel's bout also went the distance with the decision going the other way as she had some great moments in her bout against a strong opponent who was a good counter puncher.

The club said: "A massive well done to Weston-super-Mare Amateur Boxing Club school girl Aimee and senior boxer/ coach Merlene George who competed at an all female show in Taunton today.

"All in all a great learning experience and we look forward to the next bouts that come our way. We are very proud of both boxers."