IN conjunction with Change 4 Life and the Children s Hospice South West, Yatton Rugby Club have organised a sponsored aerobics challenge.

IN conjunction with Change 4 Life and the Children's Hospice South West, Yatton Rugby Club have organised a sponsored aerobics challenge.

The date has been set as Sunday, September 13. 9-10.30am.

The club are raising money to develop an all-weather playing area for all players at the club from our seven-year-olds to our senior teams, around 500 people in total, and also, the community will benefit.

The charity for this year is the Children's Hospice South West and we are to share the sponsorship money with them and also our co sport partners Yatton Netball Club.

The aim is to ask everyone taking part to raise �10 minimum sponsorship, forms are available from the club. The main point is that the club would like to involve people of all ages from one to 100. All levels of fitness even grandma in a wheelchair is taking part.

The children will bring their families along at the club and we have enlisted support from the the Fire Service, the Ambulance Service, the Police and their sniffer dogs section. Local businesses are sending teams along including our postmen. Local charity clubs are taking part as well. A real community cross section.

The club at Cadbury House has agreed to supply instructors and there will be different sections for each level of capability. Change for Life provide information on how to improve fitness and live a healthier lifestyle, hence the involvement of the whole community, it is especially beneficial to the elderly.

The players and children will obviously be taking part and we hope they will encourage all of their family members to join us.

At the club there is an age range from players toddlers at one to vice-presidents at a healthy 87. We have a centurion in the village and we hope he will be fit enough to come along and start proceedings.