Now more than ever, local journalism matters.

In addition to holding public services to account, or bringing you the latest news from our high streets, our courts and our sports teams, our staff are now working round the clock to provide you with the latest, fact-checked information on our region’s fight against coronavirus.

And now more than ever, we need your help to build a sustainable future for trusted local news.

Our reporting costs money, and so does providing our communities with the news for free on our websites. You will already know about the tough times facing local newspapers across the world and the situation has hardly been improved by recent events.

So to help us keep doing what we do and help keep you informed, we are inviting readers of our websites to give their financial support to our work. You’ll be invited to do so next time you visit us. You can contribute any amount you like, as a one-off or a recurring contribution.

I am proud of our community and proud of what we do for it. I strongly believe that accurate, useful, honest, local journalism is vital to its future and I know you believe that too.

That is why I hope you will help us. Every single gesture of support will keep us fighting for you and our region.

You can donate to our appeal by clicking here.

Thank you

Vicky Angear, Editor